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Product Name ENDO- Basal MediumCatalog Number EDBM-2101Size 500 mlStorage 2-8°C
Caution: Proper precautions must be taken to avoid exposure. Always wear proper protective equipment(Gloves, safety glasses, etc.) when handling these materials. We recommend following the universalprocedures for handling products of human origin as the minimum precaution against contamination.The listed dilutions are for recommendation only and the ender users should optimize the final conditions.Product InformationProduct Name: Endothelial basal mediumCatalog No: EDBM-2101Size: 500mlStorage: 2-8°CDescriptionThe Endothelial basal medium is a chemically defined medium (details of the Formulationfor the medium is enclosed in this data sheet) that was designed to culture endothelial cellsunder low serum condition with the support of other growth factors.Shipping Condition: Ambient temperature (blue ice, seasonally).Storage Condition:The Endothelial basal medium (EDBM) is stored at 2-8°C. A change in color or appearanceof precipitate may indicate deterioration.Shelf Life: 3 months from the date of receipt under proper storage condition.Use of ENDO-Basal MediumUse of EDBM to Prepare Full Endothelial Growth Medium (EGM-2102) for CulturingEndothelial Cells:1) Thaw Endothelial Growth supplement (EGS-1001) and add 25 ml (the whole packagesize) of ENDO Growth supplement into 475ml of ENDO-Basal medium (total volume 500ml,with 5% fetal bovine serum and recombinant growth factors). Antibiotics are alreadyprovided in ENDO-Growth supplement, which makes the final concentration of antibioticsas 1 x penicillin and streptomycin.
2) Take the amount of ENDO-Growth medium needed and warm to 37°C in a water bath orincubator.3) Avoid frequent temperature change to the entire bottle of medium.4) The ENDO-growth medium is stable for at least 3 month stored at 2-8°C. We recommendchanging medium every 2 days for regular cell culture