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Catalog Number TB01Product Name Type I Bovine CollagenStorage 2-8°CProduct Format LiquidVolume 20mlGENERAL INFORMATIONCollagen naturally plays an important role within the body, but it is being used increasingly withincertain areas of medicine as well. The breakdown of the body natural collagen can lead to a number ofhealth problems, but the protein can also be used in other contexts to help with the repair of the body.Collagen comprises a family of genetically distinct molecules, all of which have a unique triple helixconfiguration of three polypeptide subunits known as alpha-chains. Each chain contains around 1000amino acids, and usually features an amino acid sequence consisting of glycine, proline andhydroxyproline.Our product unique characteristicsShelf Life 2 yearsPurity >95 % (SDS PAGE)pH 3.0Concentration 3mg /ml by Sircol AssaySource Bovine Achilles TendonBuffer 0.2M Acetic AcidGel Information Gel in a few minutes after neutralizing the productGreat for coating plates, and T-flasksWork very well when used in 3D tissue models
The handling of any organism-derived products has potential to be biologically hazardous. Proper precautionsmust be taken to avoid exposure. Always wear proper protective equipment (Gloves, safety glasses, etc.) whenhandling these materials. We recommend following the universal procedures for handling products of anyorganism origin as the minimum precaution against contamination. All product offered by Universal BioProducts are forlaboratory research purposes only. Any other use and results of that use are the sole responsibility of the user andare not in any way the responsibility of Universal BioProducts.Recommended Coating and Washing Technique1-Add sufficient collagen solution to coat dishes, plates or inserts1-2 ml of solution is sufficient to covera 35 mm dish.2-Incubate at room temperature in a biological safety cabinet partially covered for 1 hour.3-Carefully aspirate remaining solution. Rinse with proper volume of serum-free media to remove buffersolution.4-Coated plates are best used immediately but can be air-dried and stored.5-Coated plates that have not been cultured can be dried and stored at 2 -8 °C and are useful up to 1week under sterile conditionsWell Area (cm²) Coating Volume (ml) Wash Volume(ml)6 4.67 0.6 112 1.12 0.25 0.424 0.33 0.05 0.175 mm insert 44 5 896 0.143 0.025 0.05